
Activate Your Community

Made by rural communities for farmers

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Get Inspired and Activate

Let us empower you by downloading our resources, including guides, tools and checklists, which will assist you and your community on your journey.

Connect via Social Media

Do you have Facebook or Instagram? Upload a video of a service provider talking about who they are and what they do. For SOS Yorkes, this garnered over 50 shares and 3,500 views in 24 hours.

The Power of Local Service Providers

To help connect farmers and their families to health and wellbeing services, invite service providers to create short films for your social media sites about who they are and what they offer.

Let’s Reach Farmers

Coasters and bar mats were created for farmers and co-designed by a farmer suicide prevention group in Tatyoon, Mellow in the Yellow, along with an illustrator.

Start a Suicide Prevention Group (SPG)

Most of the time, rural communities are motivated to create a farmer suicide prevention group after a life has been lost. This is a call to Start Now. It takes one person to initiate and invite others in your community to join you.

Create a Service Support Directory

Farmers want to know who to speak to and that who they contact within support services will understand their experiences and farming.

Why Create Calendars?

Calendars depicting stories of mental health and recovery are powerful tools. They raise awareness about mental wellbeing, let people know they are not alone in feelings of distress and each page directs people to support.

Connect with Your Community

Events are a positive way to connect with community members,  inform people about mental health and wellbeing and show that community, peer support and services are there to help.

Importance of Community

Wellbeing is more than an individual experience. It is created by strong community connections and having local support. Rural communities understand reciprocity: the giving and receiving of support in good times and in difficult times.

Network with other communities and support each other across Australia

There are many grassroots rural suicide prevention groups across Australia. The groups that participated in the co-design of resources for this site have wonderful experiences to share.

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